
Core Package

standard-api/core at github (opens in a new tab)

The bedrock of our open-source initiative to transform the way we design, develop, and operate software systems. Grounded in TDD, DDD, BDD, event modeling, and microservices, core equips you to define your system's business logic in a language that's intuitive, natural, and optimized for AI integrations.

What is Core Package?

It is an foundation for a new kind of domain-specific language (opens in a new tab), based on event modeling, DDD tactical patterns, put in context of C4 model. It is composed of four main subpackages:

Right now, we're not promising a polished diamond just yet - instead, we're inviting you to join us in exploring and refining a treasure trove of potential gems.

Why Core Package?

Balancing the focus on business problems and intricate technical details can often be a daunting task in software development. Stapi core is our solution to this predicament. By providing a high-level standard language for defining and managing systems, we aim to make development more accessible, reduce error-proneness, and heighten adaptability.

Importantly, standard-api/core is a tool for everyone, not just large corporations. It's an equally valuable asset for seasoned developers, side hustlers seeking quick and customizable solutions, or curious individuals ready to dive into the world of flexible API services.

Looking Ahead

In the rapidly evolving AI landscape, Core Package is well-positioned to adapt and integrate. We believe that certain combinations of insights used in in this package could play a significant role in the journey towards Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). By integrating AI models with symbolic systems, we envision the creation of dynamic, evolving systems that track changes and assign accountability.