

Welcome to, an open-source effort that reimagines the creation of API services with standard-driven design and dynamic adaptability. If you're a developer, architect, or tech enthusiast, join us on this exciting journey!

What is is a radical open-source initiative aiming to transform the very fabric of software systems into a code-as-data organism-like structure. We aspire to connect a comprehensive set of principles, producing a system that's deeply interconnected yet flexible, structured as data for enhanced analysis, and transparency.

Where are we?

As of now, we've developed a promising Proof of Concept (PoC) for the core system. It comprises an in-memory + AxonIQ implementation for the write model, and an in-memory + ArangoDB implementation for the read model.

We're currently refining these into distinct packages with well-defined boundaries and releasing as they are ready.

Next Steps

We have an exciting path ahead, and we want to keep you updated every step of the way. Here's a snapshot of our roadmap:

Here's what we have planned:

  • June 2023: Random weekly release of additional packages inside core.
  • July 1, 2023: Readiness for local experiments with core packages along with AxonIQ adapter for write model and ArangoDB for read model + GraphQL. This will enable the declarative system to work from low-level definitions to a functional GraphQL API.
  • Following this, we want to continue with development on the frontend admin to simplify usage and lay the groundwork for AI integration. For more insights, feel free to browse this documentation .

Throughout this journey, your feedback is invaluable to us. Join our Discord community (opens in a new tab) or sign up for our newsletter (opens in a new tab) to stay up-to-date with our latest releases, provide feedback, and contribute to our mission. There's plenty of room in our future Hall of Fame for contributors like you!


  • June 1, 2023: core monorepo with first packages: graph, common and test-base.
  • June 3, 2023: schema package released.
  • June 6, 2023: graph-operations package released.
  • June 7, 2023: graph-system package released.

Get Involved

This project is not just about building a platform - it's about cultivating a community. We invite you to join us on this journey. Whether you're providing feedback, refining the initial ideas, or directly contributing to the project, your participation is greatly appreciated. Join our Discord community (opens in a new tab) or sign up for our newsletter (opens in a new tab) to stay updated with our latest releases and contribute to our mission. We're excited to see how you can help shape!

This README is a living document, and we're keen to refine it with your contributions and feedback.


The documentation is available at (opens in a new tab).